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register of造句 register的造句

日期·2024-07-28 09:02

欣欣今天给分享register of造句的知识,其中也会对register的造句进行解释,希望能解决你的问题,请看下面的文章阅读吧!

register of造句 register的造句register of造句 register的造句


2、describes造句如下:1.'Register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language.“语域”是一个术语,通常用以描述语言中用语的正式程度。

3、2.You have to be able to describe things in a form that the end user can understand.你必须以终端用户可以理解的方式描述产品。

4、3.Suppose someone gave you an egg and asked you to describe exactly what was inside假设有人给了你一枚鸡蛋并要你准确描述鸡蛋里面有什么。

5、4.Yet that competitive urge coexists with what one insider describes as her almost inhuman loyalty towards Obama.然而,与这一竞争欲望共存的,则是一位内幕人士所形容的她对近乎不近人情的忠诚。

6、5.She also says she has forgiven herself for what she describes as mistakes made by a younger, much different woman.她还说,她原谅了自己作为一个年轻女子、一个与现在大不相同的女子所犯下的错误。


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